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        Yoann Richomme wins the Route du Rhum Class 40!-Yoann Richom
        發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-24 10:45 來(lái)源:未知
        Yoann Richomme wins the Route du Rhum Class 40!
        It has been more than two weeks since French skipper Yoann Richomme left the harbor of Saint-Malo, France, with destination Guadeloupe. His objective was clear from the start: to win the famous Transatlantic solo sailing race “Route du Rhum 2018”. During the first week very strong winds and high waves made it a tough deal for all sailors. Yoann could build a lead and kept it until the end! Not without a challenging sportive fight with his main competitors who never gave up trying to take over the first position.
        Tuesday 20 November, 16 days, 3hours, 22minutes and 44 seconds after leaving the Saint-Malo harbor in France, Yoann crossed the finish in Point-à-Pitre, the capital of Guadeloupe.  It is inspiring to see how Yoann showed continuous confidence in his objective, his boat, his material, his abilities and his team. Always focused and with a great positive spirit. We are proud to share a common philosophy that leads to performance:  speed, agility and perseverance.
        Congratulations from the whole DOMO Chemicals Team, Yoann!
        Live information you can find through this link: https://www.routedurhum.com/en

        Yoann Richomme贏(yíng)得了Route du Rhum Class 40!
        自法國船長(cháng)Yoann Richomme離開(kāi)法國圣馬洛港已有兩周多了。他的目標從一開(kāi)始就很明確:贏(yíng)得著(zhù)名的跨大西洋單人帆船比賽“Route du Rhum 2018”。在第一周,強風(fēng)和大浪對所有水手來(lái)說(shuō)都是一個(gè)艱難的挑戰。 Yoann在整個(gè)比賽過(guò)程中一直處于領(lǐng)先優(yōu)勢并保持到了最后!而且他的主要競爭對手一直在嘗試進(jìn)行具有挑戰性的交鋒,他們從未放棄爭奪第一位置。
