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        DATE:2020/08/31 企業(yè)新聞 塑膠原料 CLICKS:914


        ECONAMID? AIR carbon fiber reinforced PA compounds showcased at AEROCAR in Spain

        At the AEROCAR Final Event in Markina-Xemein (Spain) on June 28, 2019, Sergio Moriano, Global Business Line Director Composites at Domo Engineering Plastics discussed the technology in a presentation titled “ECONAMID? AIR – lighter, safer and more sustainable”. As a flagship of the company’s product offering, the ECONAMID? AIR range of carbon fiber reinforced PA6, PA66 and PA66/6 compounds provides enhanced sustainability and comparable performance over conventional virgin countertypes materials. With a carbon fiber content of up to 50 percent, ECONAMID? AIR combines outstanding stiffness with low density for a wide range of cost-effective and lightweighting designs in demanding application areas, such as automotiveindustrial and sports.

        The carbon fibers also provide reduced surface and volume resistivity for various different levels of electrical conductivity, from anti-static and static dissipation properties to high electrical conductivity. These additional properties can be used by OEM and TIER in the development of connectors, fuel filtering components, LIDAR, camera housings and electronic components. “As mobility continues to play a major role in sustainable economic growth, OEMs and suppliers are faced with increasing demands from regulators and consumers to reduce its environmental impact”, says Sergio Moriano. “Lightweighting has been key in cutting the fuel consumption of combustion vehicles as well as extending the range of electric vehicles and reducing overall CO2 emissions. However, further eco-improvements require engineering materials that will also provide a more environmental mass balance based on recycled feedstock in a circular plastics economy. This is where our ECONAMID? AIR compounds have a perfect strategic fit.”

        ECONAMID? AIR is the ecological choice where carbon filled polyamide compounds are needed. Their proprietary technology combines 100 percent upcycled polyamide feedstock from nylon fiber yarn and film production waste with high-quality recycled carbon fibers. The resulting PA6, PA66 and PA66/6 materials enable a significant reduction of CO2 emissions without compromising mechanical properties. A comprehensive life cycle study has also revealed a superior eco-balance for ECONAMID? over virgin PA in terms of water consumption and non-renewable energy used.

        Besides excellent stiffness and electrical conductivity, ECONAMID? AIR compounds offer high tensile and impact strength comparable to virgin PA with prime carbon fibers. In addition, they also provide enhanced tribological properties, high heat deflection temperature and excellent flame retardancy. Many of DOMO’s advanced ECONAMID? material solutions are custom-developed in close collaboration with business partners. The product offering is complemented by specialized prototyping and simulation services, helping engineers design high-performance, aesthetic and safer applications with minimized environmental impact.

        About DOMO Chemicals
        DOMO Chemicals is a leading producer of high-quality engineering materials for a diverse range of markets, including the automotive, food, medical, pharmaceutical, chemicals and electronics industries. The company offers a complete portfolio of integrated nylon 6 products, including intermediates, resins, engineering plastics and packaging film and distribution of petrochemical products. Headquartered in Germany, the family-owned company leverages advanced technol-ogy and consumer insights to deliver sustainable & innovative solutions. DOMO generated 2018 sales over EUR 900 million and employs approximately 1100 employees worldwide.

        在2019年6月28日在Markina-Xemein(西班牙)舉行的AEROCAR決賽中,Domo Engineering Plastics的全球業(yè)務(wù)線(xiàn)總監Sergio Moriano在題為“ECONAMID?AIR – 更輕,更安全,更可持續”的演講中討論了該技術(shù)。作為該公司產(chǎn)品的旗艦產(chǎn)品,ECONAMID?AIR系列碳纖維增強PA6,PA66和PA66 / 6化合物與傳統的原始反型材料相比,具有更高的可持續性和相當的性能。 ECONAMID?AIR的碳纖維含量高達50%,結合了出色的剛度和低密度,適用于汽車(chē)工業(yè)和運動(dòng)等苛刻應用領(lǐng)域的各種經(jīng)濟高效和輕量化設計。
        碳纖維還提供降低的表面和體積電阻率,用于各種不同水平的導電性,從抗靜電和靜電耗散性能到高導電性。 OEM和TIER可以使用這些附加屬性來(lái)開(kāi)發(fā)連接器,燃料過(guò)濾組件,激光雷達,相機外殼和電子組件。 “隨著(zhù)移動(dòng)性在可持續經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)中繼續發(fā)揮重要作用,OEM和供應商面臨著(zhù)監管機構和消費者對減少環(huán)境影響的不斷增長(cháng)的需求,”Sergio Moriano說(shuō)。 “輕量化是減少燃燒汽車(chē)燃料消耗以及擴大電動(dòng)汽車(chē)范圍和減少二氧化碳排放總量的關(guān)鍵。然而,進(jìn)一步的生態(tài)改進(jìn)需要工程材料,這也將在循環(huán)塑料經(jīng)濟中基于再生原料提供更多的環(huán)境質(zhì)量平衡。這就是我們的ECONAMID?AIR化合物具有完美的戰略契合性?!?/div>
        ECONAMID?AIR是需要碳填充聚酰胺化合物的生態(tài)選擇。他們的專(zhuān)有技術(shù)將尼龍纖維紗線(xiàn)和薄膜生產(chǎn)廢料的100%回收聚酰胺原料與高品質(zhì)的再生碳纖維相結合。由此產(chǎn)生的PA6,PA66和PA66 / 6材料可顯著(zhù)減少二氧化碳排放,同時(shí)不會(huì )影響機械性能。全面的生命周期研究還表明ECONAMID?優(yōu)于原始PA在水消耗和使用的不可再生能源方面具有卓越的生態(tài)平衡。
        除了出色的剛度和導電性外,ECONAMID?AIR復合材料具有與原始碳纖維相當的高拉伸強度和沖擊強度。此外,它們還具有增強的摩擦學(xué)性能,高的熱變形溫度和優(yōu)異的阻燃性。 DOMO的許多先進(jìn)的ECONAMID?材料解決方案都是與業(yè)務(wù)合作伙伴密切合作定制開(kāi)發(fā)的。該產(chǎn)品提供專(zhuān)業(yè)的原型設計和仿真服務(wù),幫助工程師設計出高性能,美觀(guān)和安全的應用,同時(shí)將環(huán)境影響降至最低。
        關(guān)于DOMO Chemicals
        道明化學(xué)是一家領(lǐng)先的高品質(zhì)工程材料生產(chǎn)商,產(chǎn)品廣泛應用于汽車(chē),食品,醫藥,制藥,化工和電子等行業(yè)。該公司提供完整的尼龍6綜合產(chǎn)品組合,包括中間體,樹(shù)脂,工程塑料和包裝薄膜以及石化產(chǎn)品的分銷(xiāo)。這家家族企業(yè)總部位于德國,利用先進(jìn)的技術(shù)和消費者洞察力,提供可持續的創(chuàng )新解決方案。 DOMO在2018年的銷(xiāo)售額超過(guò)9億歐元,在全球擁有約1100名員工。
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